Emphasis Added
Emphasis Added
Theranos, Fraud, and Closely Held Corporations with Douglas Moll
Emphasis Added is a podcast by the Houston Law Review. Check out this episode in video on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDK03FEAP2lTdm4syp02ChA
On this month's episode of Emphasis Added, I spoke with University of Houston Law Center Professor Douglas Moll about fraud and closely held corporations in the context of Theranos, a biotech company that was once valued at $10 billion, and is now worth nothing. Professor Moll teaches multiple business law courses at the University of Houston Law Center and has written multiple articles and books on civil fraud and closely held corporations. We discussed Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes's conduct as portrayed by the ABC News podcast and Hulu Series, "The Dropout," and analyzed different instances of Theranos's fraud exploring questions like when Silicon Valley's culture of "fake it till you make it" really becomes fraudulent and how investors in a private closely held corporation are disadvantaged when things go wrong.
You can find more from Professor Moll at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=190549
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