Emphasis Added
Emphasis Added
Patent Waiver of COVID Vaccines and IP Law with David Gindler and Jasper Tran
Emphasis Added is a podcast by the Houston Law Review. Check out this episode in video on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDK03FEAP2lTdm4syp02ChA
On this month's episode of Emphasis Added, I spoke with Milbank's Firmwide Head of IP, David Gindler, and Senior Milbank IP Associate, Jasper Tran, about patent waiver of COVID vaccines and the complexities of being an IP attorney. David's background includes successfully representing clients in trials with verdicts in the hundreds of millions of dollars, negotiating complex IP license agreements, and frequently speaking on hot topics in IP law, mostly notably on topics in life-sciences and pharmaceuticals. Jasper's background includes a practice focusing on complex patent and trade secret litigation in federal courts, conducting due diligence on IP/IT agreement in multi-billion-dollar acquisitions, and authoring numerous scholarly articles on Intellectual Property for journals from law school’s such as Yale and Northwestern amongst others (link to his scholarship below). We discussed the many intricacies to researching, patenting, and manufacturing vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, why the patent waiver debate might be misguided, and the potential enforcement issues that may need to be addressed when the pandemic ends.
Jasper Tran SSRN Author Page – https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2357726
Season 3, Episode 10: Contents
00:00 – Intro
04:50 – What Makes IP Attorneys Different
12:30 – Patent Basics
22:25 – The Patent Waiver Debate
35:00 – Enforcement of COVID Vaccine Patents
45:45 – Open-Source IP During a Pandemic
52:00 – Closing Questions
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